Vanguard's Edge
3 members
$3.75 first month
Benefits: Early access to community event sign-ups, 50,000 SGC Loyalty Points, extended podcast access, and Twitch stream shoutouts on Discord.
Discord Role: "Vanguard's Edge"
Supporter Discord Role
10% Discount
Explorer's Cache
1 member
$7.50 first month
Benefits: All "Vanguard's Edge" rewards, 100,000 SGC Loyalty Points, extended podcast access, and Twitch stream shoutouts.
Discord Role: "Explorer's Cache"
Supporter Discord Role
10% Discount
Strategist's Roundtable
0 members
$18.75 first month
Benefits: 250,000 SGC Loyalty Points, extended podcast access, and Twitch stream shoutouts, Twitch Stream VIP Status.
Supporter Discord Role
10% Discount
Merch Guardian
0 members
$37.50 first month
Benefits: A piece of SGC merch, all "Strategist's Roundtable" rewards, 500,000 SGC Loyalty Points, extended podcast access, and Twitch stream shoutouts, Twitch Stream VIP Status
Discord Role: "Merch Guardian"
Supporter Discord Role
10% Discount
Collector's Vault
2 members
$56.25 first month
Benefits: An exclusive monthly piece of SGC merch, 750,000 SGC Loyalty Points, extended podcast access, and Twitch stream shoutouts, Twitch Stream VIP Status.
Discord Role: "Collector's Vault"
Supporter Discord Role
10% Discount
0 members
$450.00 first month
All Previous Rewards + The Warm Fuzzy feeling you get for helping the community Thrive